Sunday, September 5, 2010

Wanting the Moon...

Katie LOVES to give people the moon. Seriously! She would “grab” the moon from the sky and give it to you. It’s a very sweet gesture!

One our way home from Sunday evening services, Katie noticed that the moon was not up in the sky. I heard the following conversation between her and TJ.

Katie: Oh, no! Where’s the moon? I can’t see it?

TJ: God dropped it on the floor and it’s all broken!

Katie: NO! God’s nice!

TJ: God is nice…it was just an accident! He’s fixing it right now. It’ll be up later.
UPDATE-October 7:Once again, Katie noticed that the “moon” was gone…

Katie: The moon is gone…again!!

TJ: Jesus got tired jumping on it…so he put it in the closet.

Katie: No, TJ! You said it was broken!

TJ: Oh, yeah! He ran out of glue. He’ll get some super glue and fix it tomorrow…


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